Tuesday 14 October 2014

Ottawa Kitchen Renovation

When undertaking kitchen renovations, it is important to keep in mind that not all materials will offer a significant return on investment. While new countertops and cabinets are always notable and the date of installation plays a factor in a home's resale value, materials such as laminate will need to be upgraded down the line as they are not as durable as marble or granite.Ottawa Kitchen Renovation


Why Go With Natural Stone?          Most new homes are being constructed with marble and granite features http://ottawahomeadditions.jimdo.com/2014/10/13/ottawa-kitchen-renovation/" target="_blank the buying market is showing an increasing demand for these features. Older homes that are renovated and updated with granite or marble countertops in either the kitchen or the bathroom substantially increase a home's resale value as people are willing to pay more for fine features that are made timeless in durability and elegance.

Marble or Granite?
Being natural stones, both marble and granite are highly resistant to scratches, which makes them an ideal material to use on a kitchen countertop. Kitchen countertops encounter contact with many sharp objects, so a scratch-resistant surface is key to keeping your home looking new. In addition to being scratch-resistant, granite is also considered conducive to healthy living as it does not absorb or spread bacteria from food products as other materials can. Marble is more porous than granite and therefore slightly more difficult to clean and maintain. Acidic food products can stain a marble countertop, as can direct contact with hot objects. It is recommended to always use a placemat or potholder, as discolouration cannot be fixed without replacing the countertop entirely which can be costly.

Granite, on the other hand, will not become discoloured from contact with hot objects. As a result, more people opt for granite than marble. Marble is available in tile form, providing a different look and a wider range of design options. Marble is also an excellent choice for floors as they conduct heat effectively, keeping floors warm and comfortable in the winter. They also do not attract pathogens or allergens, improving the breathability of a home's air.

When it comes to aesthetics, it really is a matter of personal preference as both marble and granite are beautiful stones that come in a wide array of colors. From greens and pinks to whites and beiges, homeowners can achieve any look with either granite or marble countertops.

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