If a whole bathroom renovation is not in your budget there are a few ways that are budget friendly and can make a world of difference for your bathroom.
You can spruce up any bathroom space without having to change the tile or do any  major plumbing or demolition  projects. A bathroom makeover is pretty simple and is easy to do. Here are some quick and easy tips that can give your bathroom a beautiful updated look without breaking the bank.Ottawa bathroom Renovations


The easiest way to make a room look different and give it a fresh and clean look, is to change the colour of the paint. We believe that colour is the most affordable way to change the atmosphere and look of any room. Colours can add your personal style and touches to your bathroom. Don’t be afraid to use dark colors as they will make your bathroom a little more dramatic, If you are trying to open up a small bathroom then consider lighter shades of paint, as they make the room feel a little larger. Don’t think that paint is only to be used on walls, you can update old tired looking cabinets by painting them too. Of course you must use the appropriate type of paint finishes for walls and cabinets. If your tiles are old and dingy, there is also types of paint that can be used to make them look like new again.


You should give your bathroom a thorough purge and major clean-up. Start with the medicine cabinet by tossing out all old medications, also check all expiry dates on old unused meds. Throw out any old makeup that is not being used and anything else that may be collecting dust and taking up extra storage space in drawers and cabinets. Control hair and cleaning product clutter by organizing them in bins under the sink. Also keep all extra shampoo bottles, tooth paste, toilet paper, and soaps in storage bins under the sink. Minimizing all the clutter on your counter tops will make the bathroom feel like new again.